Asef Karimi

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-06

Asef Karimi

College of Farabi / Faculty of Administration and Accounting

Journal Paper

  1. "The Antecedents, Consequences and Key Determinants of Corporate Accelerators’ Success: A Systematic Literature Review"
    Saeed Heshmati, Asef Karimi, Kamal Sakhdari, Aidin Salamzadeh, Maysam Shafiee
    SAGE OPEN, Vol. 14, No 4, 2024
  2. "User-generated content effectiveness in co-creation of online higher educational services"
    Maysam Shafiee, elaheh ezami, Hadi Hedayati, Asef Karimi
    Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, Vol. 34, No 1, 2024
  3. "A Conceptual Model for Antecedents of Dynamic Capability Development in New Ventures (Case Study: IT Business)"
    Tayebeh Abdolimohamadabadi, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, Asef Karimi, zohreh Amiri sadraie
    Iranian Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 17, No 2, 2024
  4. "Factors Affecting Open Innovation in Digital Entrepreneurship in Iran and the World"
    Shaghayegh Sakhteh, Navid Mohammadi, Asef Karimi
    Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, Vol. 25, No 1, pp.63-80, 2023
  5. "Drawing a Scientific Map of the Field of Ambidextrous Leadership with a Bibliometric Approach"
    Majid Omrani, Asef Karimi, Hessam ZandHessami, MirAli SeyyedNaghavi
    Iranian journal of educational sociology, Vol. 6, No 2, pp.203-211, 2023
  6. "Developing the Framework of Entrepreneurship Education Ecosystem in Iranian Schools Using Soft System Methodology"
    [] [], Asef Karimi, Hamid Padash Zive, Hamidreza Yazdani
    Journal of Systems Thinking in Practice, Vol. 2, No 2, 2023
  7. "A Bibliometric Review of Innovation Networks: 30 Years of study"
    Hanieh Rezaei, Morteza Akbari, Asef Karimi, Pantea Foroudi
    European Journal of International Management, 2023
  8. "Identifying the themes of medical tourism business in Iran: A systematic review"
    Nafiseh Karimibadrabadi, Sogand Tourani, Asef Karimi
    Journal of Education and Health Promotion, Vol. 11, No 1, 2022
  9. "Entrepreneurial ecosystem big picture: a bibliometric analysis and co-citation clustering"
    Navid Mohammadi, Asef Karimi
    Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 24, No 1, 2021
  10. "The influence of entrepreneurial orientation on firm growth among Iranian agricultural SMEs: the mediation role of entrepreneurial leadership and market orientation"
    Asef Karimi, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, Soma Rahmani
    Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, Vol. 10, No 1007, 2021
  11. "Designing a tourism business model on block chain platform"
    Hamidreza Aghaei, Nahid Naderibeni, Asef Karimi
    Tourism Management Perspectives, Vol. 39, No 8, 2021
  12. "The concept of innovation network: an application of the meta-synthesis approach"
    Asef Karimi, Haniye Rezaei, Morteza Akbari, Pantea Foroudi
    Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 2021
  13. "Creative Advertising and Business Performance: An Investigation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise in the Traditional Iranian Food Industry"
    Nader Seyyedamiri, Asef Karimi, [] [], Sareh Ghamkhare Nakhjiri
    Journal of Foodservice Business Research, Vol. 14, No 4, 2020
  14. "Creative advertising and business performance: An investigation of small and medium-sized enterprise in the traditional Iranian food industry"
    Nader Seyyedamiri, Asef Karimi, Sleme sadat Khosravi, Sareh Ghamkhare Nakhjiri
    Journal of Foodservice Business Research, Vol. 24, No 2020, pp.1-27, 2020
  15. "Designing a Model of Factors Influencing Strategic Agility in Small and Medium-Sized Sport Enterprises"
    Hamzeh Eisazadeh, Ghodratollah Bagheri Ragheb, asadollah kordnaeej, Asef Karimi, Morteza Soltani
    Archives of Pharmacy Practice, Vol. 11, No 1, 2020
  16. "Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Marketing Capabilities on Greenhouse Businesses Performance in Jiroft County, Iran"
    Roohollah Rezaei, Asef Karimi, Mangeli Mangeli, Lyla Safa
    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 19, No 19, pp.771-783, 2017
  17. "Effect of Corporate Entrepreneurship on Firm Performance in Iranian ASMEs: The Mediation Role of Knowledge Creation and Learning Orientation"
    Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, Asef Karimi
    Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 2017, No 19, pp.261-277, 2017
  18. "An Analyzing Trends Effective in the Entrepreneurship Opportunities Recognition in Fishery Industry"
    Tayebeh Abdoli, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, Abbas Matinfar, Asef Karimi
    European Journal of Scientific Rsearch, Vol. 124, No 1, pp.70-79, 2014
  19. "Investigating the Impact of Knowledge Management on Entrepreneurial Opportunities Recognition in University College of Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Tehran by Using Structural Equations Model"
    Fatemeh Bagherzade, Asef Karimi, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani
    Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, Vol. 4, No 3, pp.301-325, 2014
  20. "Identify Entrepreneurship Opportunities (Case Study: Fishery Industry)"
    Tayebeh Abdoli, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, Asef Karimi, Abbas Matinfar
    European Journal of Scientific Rsearch, Vol. 117, No 1, pp.23-34, 2014
  21. "entrepreneurship characteristics & intentions in Iran's higher education students"
    Mohammad Azizi, Fatemeh Didevar, Seyed Sajadi, Asef Karimi
    European Journal of Scientific Rsearch, Vol. 4, No 34, 2013
  22. "A conceptual model of Intrapreneurship in the Iranian agricultural extension organization : Implications for HRD"
    Asef Karimi, Iraj Malek Mohammadi, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, Ahmad Rezvanfar
    Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 35, No 7, pp.632-657, 2011
  23. "The dynamics of entrepreneurial self efficacy"
    Elham Arjmandi Vala, Hossein Khanifar, علی محمد سلطانی گرد فرامرزی, Asef Karimi
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 17, No 4, 2025
  24. "Identifying the Skills of the Management Team in the Development of Dynamic Capabilities in New Ventures (Case Study: IT Businesses)"
    Tayyebeh Abdoli, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, Zohreh Amirir, Asef Karimi
    Journal Of Organizational Culture Management, Vol. 22, No 4, 2024
  25. "Conceptual view at Electronic Mentoring: a Meta-Synthesis"
    Asef Karimi, Hamidreza Yazdani, Zahede Abarghoui Zade
    Human Resource Management Researches, Vol. 14, No 2, pp.113-144, 2024
  26. "Identifying the Components of Dynamic Capabilities in Knowledge-Based Companies: Review Through Bibliometric"
    ali molla bagher, Hamid Zare, Asef Karimi
    Journal of Intrenational Business Administration, Vol. 7, No 2, pp.127-147, 2024
  27. "Investigating the Evolution of Crowdfunding Research: Using Scientometric Analysis and Illustration"
    Amir Tajik, Asef Karimi, Mohammad Ghaffari, Hamidreza Yazdani
    oragh, Vol. 16, No 63, 2023
  28. "Developing the Framework of Entrepreneurship Education in Schools Through the Meta-Synthesis Approach"
    Mohammadreza Tayebnia, Asef Karimi, Hamid Padash Zive, Hamidreza Yazdani, Mohammad Keyhani
    quartly journal of educational measurement and evaluation studies, Vol. 13, No 41, pp.7-30, 2023
  29. "Designing a Plant-based Milk Production Business Model Based on the Business Canvas, Focusing on the Value Proposition Block"
    Najmoddin Hosseini, Reza Mohammadkazemi, Asef Karimi
    Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation Researches, Vol. 2, No 1, 2023
  30. "Typology of Employee Value Proposition in Knowledge-based Businesses"
    Behzad Mohammadian, Asef Karimi, وحید شریعتی
    Organizational Resource Management Research, Vol. 13, No 1, 2023
  31. "Providing a Framework for Measuring the Role of Social Media in Home-based Businesses based on a Meta-Systematic Method"
    Hossein Khanifar, Asef Karimi, علی زین ساز, علی مبینی دهکردی
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 15, No 3, 2022
  32. "Analysis of school entrepreneurship curriculum with a comparative study of schools in 9 European countries"
    Mohammadreza Tayebnia, Asef Karimi, Hamid Padash Zive, Hamidreza Yazdani, mohammad keyhani
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 15, No 3, 2022
  33. "Recognition and prioritizing entrepreneurial opportunities in the field of media startups"
    Mohadese Oghbaee, Asef Karimi, Somayyeh Labbafi
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 15, No 2, pp.281-299, 2022
  34. "A Framework of Crowdfunding for Startups: A Case Study of P2P Lending by Using the Meta-Synthesis Method"
    Meysam Shahbazi, Roya Razzaghi, Asef Karimi
    Journal of Asset Management and Financing, Vol. 10, No 2, 2022
  35. "Providing a Model of Innovation Network with a Data-Driven Approach in IoT Startups"
    Haniye Rezaei, Morteza Akbari, Asef Karimi
    inovation management in defensive organizations, Vol. 5, No 15, 2022
  36. "Ambidextrous Leadership Model in Knowledge-based Startups with MetaSynthesis Approach"
    مجید عمرانی, Asef Karimi, حسام زند حسامی, میرعلی سید نقوی
    Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Vol. 13, No 1, pp.220-233, 2022
  37. "Identifying the cognitive biases of entrepreneurial negotiation with focusing on crowdfunding projects"
    Eli Aznab, Behzad Mohammadian, Asef Karimi
    Innovation Management Journal, Vol. 10, No 3, 2021
  38. "Entrepreneurship Education"
    Asef Karimi
    Vol. 1, No 1, 2021
  39. "Startup Accelerators"
    Asef Karimi, Zahede Abarghouei zade
    Vol. 1, No 1, 2021
  40. "Startup"
    Asef Karimi
    Vol. 1, No 1, 2021
  41. "Designing a Model of Forerunners and Consequences of Strategic Agility in Sports Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (Forerunners and Consequences)"
    Asef Karimi
    Sport, Vol. 13, No 67, 2021
  42. "Identifying the Factors Influencing the Success of Crowdfunding Behavior: A Case Study Of Investment House"
    Elham Aznab, Asef Karimi, Mina Mehrnoush
    Journal Of Organizational Culture Management, Vol. 19, No 2, 2021
  43. "The Impact of Business Failure Experience and Learning from Failure on New Venture Performance of Entrepreneur: Study Case of Qom Province"
    Asef Karimi, Mohammad Hamid Mollaei, Behzad Mohammadian, Fatemeh Zargaran Khozani
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 14, No 2, 2021
  44. "Prerequisites for Using Big Data to Innovate in Marketing Activities"
    مائده امینی, Seyed Mohammadbagher Jafari, Ayoub Mohammadian, Asef Karimi
    Information Management Quarterly, Vol. 7, No 1, 2021
  45. "Designing A Framework for social Innovation assessment in universities"
    Ali Asghar Sadabadi, Saeid Ramezani, تورج کریمی, Asef Karimi
  46. "Designing a Model for Social Innovation Assessment of Organization"
    Saeid Ramezani, تورج کریمی, Asef Karimi, علی اصغر سعدآبادی
    inovation management in defensive organizations, Vol. 3, No 9, 2020
  47. "Designing of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Suitable for Organic Growth of Iranian Airlines Company"
    Asef Karimi, Morteza Soltani, Ramin Kashef Azar
    inovation management in defensive organizations, Vol. تابستان, No 8, 2020
  48. "Identification of the solutions for implementing and improving staff training using the gamification approach"
    Farideh Shayani, Seyed Mohammad Mahmoudi, Asef Karimi
    Quarterly Journal of Training & Development of Human Resource, Vol. 7, No 25, 2020
  49. "A framework for social innovation evaluation at macro level using Meta synthesis method"
    تورج کریمی, Asef Karimi, علی اصغر سعدآبادی, Saeed Ramezani
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 13, No 1, 2020
  50. "Designing the Entrepreneurial Orientation model in Small and Medium-Sized Technology-Based Businesses in Nano-medicine: A Qualitative Study"
    سعید توکلیان, Asef Karimi, Hamidreza Yazdani, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani
    Journal of Health Promotion Management, Vol. 8, No 6, 2019
  51. "Investigation of Biographical Manipulating Factors in Self-Assessment (The Case of Sustainable Excellence (H3SE) in Petrochemical Companies)"
    Ahmadreza Ghasemi, Asef Karimi
    journal of industrial management, Vol. 11, No 3, 2019
  52. "How Do Public Sector Organizations Become Entrepreneurs?"
    Seyed Alireza Feyzbakhash, Asef Karimi, Samaneh Arabshahi
    Journal of Management Sciences, Vol. 14, No 55, 2019
  53. "Studying the effect of entrepreneurial marketing on marketing capabilities and market performance in tourism SMEs in the city of Tehran (The moderating role of competition intensity)"
    Asef Karimi, Hamidreza Yazdani, Maryam Golestani
    Journal of Tourism Planning and Development, Vol. 8, No 2, 2019
  54. "Proposing a model for low cost carriers market in Iran"
    Asef Karimi, Mohammadreza Mahmoudiyeh
    مدیریت فردا, Vol. 18, No 58, 2019
  55. "Factors influence on open innovation in digital entrepreneurship"
    شقایق سخته, Asef Karimi
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 11, No 4, pp.719-737, 2019
  56. "The impact of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on the recognition of Opportunities with respect to the passion of entrepreneurship"
    Mojgan Dianati, Asef Karimi, Morteza Akbari
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 11, No 1, 2018
  57. "Spirituality Components on Resiliency in Entrepreneurs"
    Asef Karimi, Masoumeh Mohammadi
    MANAGEMENT IN ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY, Vol. 6, No 2, pp.263-280, 2018
  58. "The relationship between internal marketing and organizational performance: the mediating role of gender"
    Asef Karimi, Rezvan Velayati, Ismaeil Shabanibezhad, Elham Gilani
    Women in Development & Politics, Vol. 14, No 3, 2016
  59. "Investigating factors affecting on continuance intention to use the social network websites: The case of LinkedIn"
    Seyed Mohammadbagher Jafari, Asef Karimi, Zahede Abarghouei zade
    Journal of Information Technology Management, Vol. 1, No 17, 2016
  60. "Assessing Relationship between the Iimplementation of the Electronic System and the Level of Customer Satisfaction in Branches of Bank Saderat of Mazandaran (Text in Persian)"
    Asef Karimi, Ismaeil Shabanibezhad, Gholamreza Adibfar
    Journal Of Organizational Culture Management, Vol. 14, No 2, pp.475-498, 2016
  61. "The Influence of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Business Performance by the Mediation Process of Knowledge Creation"
    Asef Karimi, Soma Rahmani
    Innovation and creativity in the humanities, Vol. 5, No 3, pp.143-171, 2016
  62. "Analysis of Factors Affecting Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Development in Entrepreneurial Business"
    Mohammad Neysari, Asef Karimi, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani
    Innovation and creativity in the humanities, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.1-24, 2015
  63. "System Dynamic Approach to performance Systems; The Case of H3SE Excellence in Petrochemical Industries."
    احمدرضا قاسمی, Mohammadhasan Maleki, Asef Karimi
    Journal of Executive Management, Vol. 7, No 13, pp.101-127, 2015
  64. "The business model is designed for agility organizations (case study company Saipa)"
    Asef Karimi, Soma Rahmani
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 8, No 1, 2015
  65. "Prioritize the development of relations based on cultural values"
    احمدرضا قاسمی, Mohammad Hasan Mleki, Asef Karimi
    Maanagement, Vol. 3, No 10, pp.58-74, 2015
  66. "assessing role of emotional intelligence of in female student enrapranuership orientation: moderator role of cognition style"
    Asef Karimi, احمدرضا قاسمی, Ismaeil Shabanibezhad
    Women in Development & Politics, Vol. 6, No 1, pp.1-22, 2015
  67. "Analysis of financing mechanisms for small and medium businesses"
    Asef Karimi, Shahryar Bozarjomehri
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 7, No 3, pp.467-486, 2014
  68. "Analysis of the role and impact of knowledge management on the identification and recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities"
    Asef Karimi, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, Fatemeh Bagherzade, Tayebeh Abdoli
    Journal Of Organizational Culture Management, Vol. 12, No 3, 2014
  69. "Analysis of the Mechanisms of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Development in Qazvin Province"
    Asef Karimi, Behzad Bankipour, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 7, No 2, pp.305-326, 2014
  70. "Identifying the Barriers to Entrepreneurship Development as Perceived by Graduate Students (Case: Faculties of Agriculture in Tehran Province)"
    Asef Karimi, Hadi Johari
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 6, No 4, pp.151-167, 2014
  71. "The Impact of Corporate Culture on Entrepreneurial Trends (Case Study: Agricultural and Natural Resources Campus of Tehran University) (Text in Persian)"
    Asef Karimi, روح اله رضایی, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, محسن انصاری
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 6, No 3, pp.163-182, 2013
  72. "An Investigation of the Influence of Intrapreneurship on Organizational Outcomes of Agricultural Extension in the Context of Agricultural Sustainable Development using the Structural Equation Model (Text in Persian)"
    Asef Karimi, Iraj Malek Mohammadi, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, Ahmad Rezvanfar
    Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research, Vol. 44, No 3, pp.411-427, 2013
  73. "D"
    Asef Karimi, Iraj Malek Mohammadi, Ahmad Rezvanfar, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani
    Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research, Vol. 44, No 1, pp.77-93, 2013
  74. "Analyzing the Financing Barriers to Small and Medium Enterprises"
    Asef Karimi, Shahryar Bozarjomehri
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. ششم, pp.27-46, 2013
  75. "Designing intrapreneurship model of agricultural extension in the context of agricultural sustainable development (Text in Persian)"
    Asef Karimi, Iraj Malek Mohammadi, Ahmad Rezvanfar, محمود احمدپور داریانی
    Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research, Vol. 44, No 1, pp.77-93, 2013
  76. "An Assessment of the Level of Agricultural Extension Entrepreneurship in the Process of Sustainable Agricultural Development. Dimensions and Validation On the Basis of structural Equation Model (Text in Persian)"
    Asef Karimi, Iraj Malek Mohammadi, Ahmad Rezvanfar, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani
    Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research, Vol. 2-43, No 2, pp.209-222, 2012
  77. "Analysis of the Barriers to Entrepreneurial Development in Applied Science Agricultural and Natural Resources Higher EducationG (Text in Persian)"
    ساناز نظیف کار , Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, Asef Karimi

Conference Paper

  1. "The framework for measuring the readiness of mentors in Iranian accelerators to accept artificial intelligence in the mentoring process"
    Asef Karimi, Zahede Abarghoui Zade
    19Edition of International Conference on European Integration- Realities and Perspectives, 2024
  2. "Learning from Failure: Insights from the Start-ups’ Graveyard"
    Behzad Mohammadian, مرضیه طهماسبی, Asef Karimi
    19 International Conference on European Integration- Realities and Perspectives, 2024
  3. "The impact of Corporate Entrepreneurship on Firm Performance in Iranian ASMEs: The Mediation Role of Knowledge Creation and Learning Orientation."
    Asef Karimi
    International seminar on new topics in business management, 2019
  4. "Determining the volume of entrepreneurship opportunities in the fisheries industry"
    Tayebeh Abdoli, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, Asef Karimi
    2nd International Conference on Management, Enterpreneurship and Economic Developmen, 2014
    Asef Karimi, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, hojat Rezazadeh, Fatemeh Karami, Ali Maleki
    Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference, 2013
  6. "Evaluating the impact of the lean startup approach on innovative work behavior by considering the moderating role of business coaching among entrepreneurs."
    Mohammad Shokraniyamchi, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, Asef Karimi
    The First National Conference on Coaching Strategies and Problem Solving, 2024
  7. "Defining the social capital components in shabihkhani"
    تورج کریمی, Asef Karimi
    First International & Third National Conference on Social Capital & Resiliency, 2022
  8. "Factors affecting the success of hospitality industry business model"
    Iman Chashmfasa, Asef Karimi, Mahmood Jafarpour
    National conference on improvement and rebuilding of Organization and Businesses, 2020
  9. "Food tourism as an option for sustainable development destinations"
    Asef Karimi
    6rd International Conference new ideas in Agriculture, Environment and Tourism, 2020
  10. "Three-dimensional evaluation of businesses in terms of sustainable development goals"
    Mohsen Yousefiparsa, Asef Karimi, Reza Mohammadkazemi
    National Conference on Future studies, Sustainable Management and Development, 2019
  11. "entrepreneurship opportunities"
    Fstemeh Hoseinzadeh najar, Abdolhossein Fafarpour, Hamidreza Yazdani, Asef Karimi
    2nd national Conference on Enterpreneurship, 2018
  12. "Investigating the effect of brand equity on the development of commercial advertising and the mediating role of entrepreneurial marketing"
    Asef Karimi, Hasan Zarei Matin, Ziba Hosseini
    National Conference on, 2018
  13. "Investigating the effect of"
    Asef Karimi, [] []
    International Conference on Management,Business & Accounting, 2017
  14. "Conceptual Study of Guerrilla Marketing Effects and Tools And its emphasis on the components of the marketing mix"
    Abolfazl Khosravi, Asef Karimi, Ahad Ranjbar
    The 6th national Conference in Management, Economics And Accounting, 2017
  15. "Comprehensive explanation of components and prerequisites in"
    Hamid Barghamadi, Asef Karimi, Nahid Rashidi joshaghan
    The Second National Conference on Management Research and Humanities in Iran, 2016
  16. "Effect of Entrepreneurial Strategies on Successful Performance of Business(Case study: Agricultural Small and Medium Enterprises in Fars province)"
    Asef Karimi, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, Mehrnoush Kamal, Nemat Ghasemi, Ata Azizi
    congereh, 2012
  17. "Mechanisms of entrepreneurship development in higher education institutions of applied science"
    Asef Karimi, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani, Hamidreza Salimi, Fateme Karami
    utc, 2012