Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi


Update: 2025-02-19

Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi

College of Engineering / Electrical and Computer ENG

Journal Paper

  1. "A novel framework for quantitative rhinoplasty evaluation by ResNet convolutional neural network"
    Ziba Bouchani, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Mohammad Sadeghi
    Biomedical Engineering Advances, Vol. 7, 2024
  2. "An Automatic Framework for Nasal Esthetic Assessment by ResNet Convolutional Neural Network"
    Maryam Ashoori, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Mohammad Sadeghi
    Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine, Vol. 37, pp.455-470, 2024
  3. "MATER: Bi-level matching-aggregation model for time-aware expert recommendation"
    Mohammad Sadegh Zahedi, Maseud Rahgozar, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
  4. "Thigh muscle segmentation using a hybrid FRFCM‐based multi‐atlas method and morphology‐based interpolation algorithm"
    Malihe Molaie, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    IET Image Processing, Vol. 15, No 11, pp.2572-2579, 2021
  5. "HCA: Hierarchical Compare Aggregate model for question retrieval in community question answering"
    Mohammad Sadegh Zahedi, Maseud Rahgozar, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
  6. "A Knowledge-Based Modality-Independent Technique for Concurrent Thigh Muscle Segmentation: Applicable to CT and MR Images"
    ملیحه مولایی, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    JOURNAL OF DIGITAL IMAGING, Vol. 33, No 5, pp.1122-1135, 2020
  7. "Automatic reduction of wireless capsule endoscopy reviewing time based on factorization analysis"
    Abbas Biniaz, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Sohrabi Masud Reza
    Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 59, No 101897, 2020
  8. "Fully automatic estimation of pelvic sagittal inclination from anterior-posterior radiography image using deep learning framework"
    Ata Ollah Jodeiri Sheikhzadeh, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Yuta Hiasa, Masaki Takao, Nobuhiku Sugano, Yoshinobu Sato, Yoshito Otake
  9. "Integrated system for automatic detection of representative video frames in wireless capsule endoscopy using adaptive sliding window singular value decomposition"
    Abbas Biniaz, Fatemeh Abdolali, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    IET Image Processing, Vol. 2019, No 1, pp.1-7, 2019
  10. "Automatic Detection of Salient Video Frames from Wireless Capsule Endoscopy using Adaptive Singular Value Decomposition"
    Abbas Biniaz, [] [], Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Omid HajiMaghsoudi, Yoshinobu Sato
    Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 12, No 4, pp.1-14, 2019
  11. "A novel image-based retrieval system for characterization of maxillofacial lesions in cone beam CT images"
    [] [], Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Yoshito Otake, Yoshinobu Sato
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol. 14, No 5, pp.785-796, 2019
  12. "Automated classification of maxillofacial cysts in cone beam CT images using contourlet transformation and Spherical Harmonics"
    [] [], Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Yoshito Otake, Yoshinobu Sato
    COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE, Vol. 139, No 2017, pp.197-207, 2017
  13. "Automatic segmentation of mandibular canal in cone beam CT images using conditional statistical shape model and fast marching"
    [] [], Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Maryam Abdolali, Futoshi Yokota, Yoshito Otake, Yoshinobu Sato
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol. 12, No 4, pp.581-593, 2016
  14. "Automatic segmentation of maxillofacial cysts in cone beam CT images"
    [] [], Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Yoshito Otake, Yoshinobu Sato
    COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, Vol. 72, No 2016, pp.108-119, 2016
  15. "Shape-based acetabular cartilage segmentation: application to CT and MRI datasets"
    Pooneh Roshanitabrizi, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Futoshi Yokota, Yoshinobu Sato, Takashi nishi
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol. 11, No 7, pp.1247-1265, 2015
  16. "Acetabular cartilage segmentation in CT arthrography based on a bone-normalized probabilistic atlas"
    Pooneh Roshani Tabrizi, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Futoshi Yokota, Satoru Tamura, Takashi Nishii, Yoshinobu Sato
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol. 1, pp.1-14, 2014
  17. "Classification of Normal and Diseased Liver Shapes based on Spherical Harmonics Coefficients"
    فرشید باباپور, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, علی عباسپور تهرانی, Shahram Akhlaghpour, Yoshinobo Sato
    JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS, Vol. 38, No 5, pp.1-9, 2014
  18. "Fully Automatic Extraction of Panoramic Dental Images from CT - Scan Volumetric Data of the Head"
    Hossein Akhoondali , Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Gholamreza Shirani
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES, Vol. 9, No 11, pp.2106-2114, 2009
  19. "A Knowledge Based Technique for Liver Segmentation in CT data"
    Amir Hossein Foruzan , Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Masatooshi Hori , Yoshinobo Sato
    COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS, Vol. 33, No 8, pp.567-587, 2009
  20. "Sequential clustering - based facial feature extraction method for automatic creation of facial models from orthogonal views"
    Alireza Ghahari , Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    International Journal of Information and Computer Security, Vol. 6, No 2, pp.43-47, 2009
  21. "Rapid Automatic Segmentation and Visualization of Teeth in CT - Scan Data"
    Hossein Akhoondali , Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Gholamreza Shirani
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES, Vol. 9, No 11, pp.2031-2044, 2009
  22. "A Hybrid Segmentation Framework for Computer-Assisted Dental Procedures"
    Mohammad Hosntalab , Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Ali Abbaspour Tehrani Fard , Gholamreza Shirani , Mohammad Reza Asharif , Mohammad Hosntalab , Abbaspour Tehrani Fard Ali , Gholamreza Shirani , Mohammad Reza Asharif
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS, Vol. E92-D, No 10, pp.2253-2263, 2009
  23. "A hybrid technique for thickness - Map visualization of the hip cartilage in MRI"
    Mahdieh Khanmohammadi , Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Takashi Nishii , Hisashi Tanaka , Yoshinobu Sato
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, Vol. 92-D, pp.2253-2263, 2009
  24. "Classification of pomegranate fruit using texture analysis of MR images"
    Alireza Khoshroo , Alireza Keyhani, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Shahin Rafiei, Zabihollah Zamani, Mohamad R Alsharif
    International Agricultural Engineering Journal, Vol. 6, 2009
  25. "Automated Dental Recognition By Wavelet Descriptors in CT Multi - Slices Data"
    Maryam Momeni , Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol. 3, No 6, pp.533-542, 2008
  26. "Segmentation of teeth in CT volumetric dataset by panoramic projection and variational level set"
    Mohammad Hosntalab , Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Ali Abbaspour Tehrani Fard , Gholamreza Shirani
    International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering Sciences, Vol. 3, pp.257-265, 2008
  27. "Liver segmentation by intensity analysis and anatomical information in multi - slice CT images"
    Foruzan Ah , Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Masatoshi Hori , Yoshinobu Sato
    International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol. 4, No 3, pp.287-297, 2006
  28. "Wavelet Based Determination of Malignancy of the Pathological Images of the Prostate"
    Reza Farjam , Hamid Soltanian Zadeh , Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    WSEAS Transactions on Electronics, Vol. -, 2004
  29. "Automated segmentation of necrotic femoral head from 3D MR data"
    Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Y Sato , T Nishii , N Sugano , H Yoshikawa , S Tamura
    COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS, Vol. 28, No 5, pp.267-278, 2004
  30. "A Novel Framework for Predicting the Score of Nasal Aesthetic based on Machin Learning Algorithm"
    M.. Ashori, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, محمد صادقی
    Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 17, No 2, 2023
  31. "Automatic Musculoskeletal Segmentation in Medical Images"
    ملیحه مولایی, Eisa MohammadNejad, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    Journal of Police Medicine, Vol. 10, No 3, 2021
  32. "A comprehensive review of endoscopic image processing: methods, applications Clinical, advantages and disadvantages"
    Abbas Biniaz, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    Journal of Machine Vision and Image Processing, Vol. هفتم, 2020
  33. "Hybrid artificial bee colony algorithem and image processing-based approach for fracture identification in image logs"
    Mostafa Javid, Hossein Memarian, Seyed Mahdi Mazhari, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Behzad Tokhmchi, Farhad Khoshbakht
    Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Vol. 24, No 96, pp.141-150, 2015
  34. "Quantification of Schooling Behavioral Responses of Rosy Barb (Puntius barbus) to Acute Decrease Temperature Fluctuations Using Computer Vision"
    Mahboobeh Babaei Naiij, Mohammad Ali Nematollahi, Mohammad Layeqi, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Ghasem Shahdoost
    Journal of Fisheries(Iranian Journal Of Natural Recources), Vol. 65, No 1, pp.1-13, 2012
  35. "روشی ترکیبی جهت بخشبندی و نمایش سه بعدی دندانها در تصاویر چند مقطعی سی تی اسکن"
    محمدحسن طلب , Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, علی عباسپور تهرانی فر , غلامرضا شیرانی
    مجله فیزیک پزشکی ایران, Vol. 6, 2009
  36. "آنالیز تصاویر چهره به منظور تشخیص خواب آلودگی"
    پونه روشنی تبریزی , Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 2, No 3, pp.247-266, 2008
  37. "روش ترکیبی بخشبندی سه بعدی روده بزرگ با استفاده از مدل های شکل پذیر هندسی بهبودیافته"
    سیده شهربانو فلاحیه حمید پور , علیرضا احمدیان , Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, محمدعلی شعبانی صمغ آبادی
    مجله فیزیک پزشکی ایران, Vol. 4, No 1, pp.19-39, 2007
  38. "بینایی استریو در جراحی سر و صورت"
    پریسا درویس زاده ورچه ای , Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Majid Nili Ahmad Abadi
    ماهنامه معارف, Vol. 6, No 62, pp.16-20, 2006
  39. "3 - D quantification and visualization of vascular structures from confocal microscopic images using skeletonization and voxel - coding"
    H Soltanian Zadeh , A Shahrokni , Mm Khalighi , Zg Zhang , Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, M Maddah , M Chopp
    COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, Vol. 35, No 9, pp.791-813, 2005

Conference Paper

  1. "Heightmap Reconstruction of Macula on Color Fundus Images Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks"
    Peyman Tahghighi, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Sare Safi, Alireza Ramezani, Hamid Ahmadieh
    2021 26th International Computer Conference, Computer Society of Iran (CSICC), Tehran, Iran, 2021
  2. "Automatic segmentation of tooth using deep convolutional neural network in cone-beam CT images"
    Omid Ghozatlou, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    1st Scientific Resaerch Conference Mechanics, Electrical, Computer and Engineering Sciences, 2020
  3. "Fully automated detection of the mandibular canal in cone beam CT images using Lie group based statistical shape models"
    [] [], Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Abbas Biniaz
    2018 25th national and 3rd International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME), 2018
  4. "Fully automated segmentation of maxillofacial lesions based on 3D feature descriptors and symmetry analysis"
    [] [], Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    26th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2018), 2018
  5. "3D Segmentation and Volumetric of Growth Plate of Radius Bone for Legal Age Determination in MRI Data Set"
    [] [], Mansour Fatehi, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    22nd Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering(ICBME 2015), 2015
  6. "Symmetry-based analysis of maxillofacial disorders in cone beam computed tomography"
    Meysam Hasani, Saeid Shakeri, [] [], Mostafa Jahanifar, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    22nd Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering(ICBME 2015), 2015
  7. "Content based image retrieval for maxillofacial lesions"
    Fatemeh Abdolali, mansor Fathi, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    9th Iranian Conference of Machine Vision and Image Processing, 2015
  8. "3D Statistical Shape Models of Radius Bone for Segmentation in Multi Resolution MRI Data Sets"
    [] [], Mansour Fatehi, Mohsen Bahrami, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    21st Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME 2014), 2014
  9. "Mandibular canal segmentation using 3D Active Appearance Models and shape context registration"
    Fatemeh Abdolali, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    Iranian Conference on Bio medical Engineering, 2014
  10. "General multivariate linear modeling of mandible surface using SurfStat"
    Fatemeh Abdolali, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    Iranian Conference on Bio medical Engineering, 2014
  11. "Single Image Ground Plane Estimation"
    Mohammad Rahimi, Manouchehr Moradisabzevar, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2013
  12. "On the Performance of Model-View-Controller-Based Privacy Preservation Architecture for Personal Health Record Systems."
    Negin Farhangi, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Fattaneh Taghiyareh
    The Annual International Conference on Science and Engineering in Biology, Medical and Public Health, 2013
  13. "Pomegranate Quality Evaluation Using Machine Vision"
    علیرضا خشرو, Alireza Keyhani, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Zabihollah Zamani, Shahin Rafiei
    Proc. Ist IS on Pomegranate, 2009
  14. "A New Approach to White Blood Cell Nucleus Segmentation Based on Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization"
    Sh. Rezatofighi, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh, R SHARIFIAN, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    ICDIP’2009, 2009
  15. "Automatic Recognition of Basophils in Hematological Images"
    Sh. Rezatofighi, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Caro Lucas, R SHARIFIAN, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh
    MVIP2008, 2008
  16. "Automatic Detection of Red Blood Cells in Hematological Images Using Polar8Transformation and Run-length Matrix"
    Sh. Rezatofighi, Alireza Roodaki, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, R SHARIFIAN, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh
    ICSP 2008, 2008
  17. "Segmentation of Nucleus and Cytoplasm of White Blood Cells Using8Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization and Deformable Models"
    Sh. Rezatofighi, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, R SHARIFIAN, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh
    ICSP 2008, 2008
  18. "A New Automatic Border Detection Method for Lumen and Media-Adventitia boundaries in IVUS Images"
    Zahra Najafi, آرش تاکی , ُSeyed Kamaledin Setarehdan, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, نصیر نواب
    Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS2007), 2007
  19. "Automatic Segmentation of Teeth in Multi-slice CT Images"
    شیوا کیهانی نژاد, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, ُSeyed Kamaledin Setarehdan, ق شیرانی
    Proceedings of the 3rd Visual Information Engineering Conference, 2006
  20. "MRI-SPECT data fusion for temporal lobe epilepsy surgery candidate selection"
    M. Ghannad-rezaie, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh, K Jafari-Khozani, MR Siadat, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, K.v. Elisevich
    SIP 2005, 2005
    M. Ghannad-rezaie, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh, کورش جعفری, محمدرضا سیادت, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Kost Elisevich
    17th IASTED, 2005
  22. "Segmentation of Brian Tissue in MRI using Guassian Mixture Modeling"
    M. Zeydabadinezhad, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh
    MVIP 2005, 2005
  23. "Automatic Grading of Pathological Images of Prostate Using Texture Analysis"
    R. Farjam, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    MVIP 2005, 2005
  24. "Tree-Structured Grading of Pathological Images of Prostate"
    R. Farjam, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, K Jafari-Khozani
    SPIE Medical Imaging 2005: Image Processing, 2005
  25. "Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Roughness in Wavelet Domain"
    R. Farjam, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh
    2nd IEEE-GCC, 2004
  26. "Brian MR Image Segmentation by Guassian Mixture Modeling"
    M. Zeydabadinezhad, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    2nd IEEE GCC Conference, 2004
  27. "Comparing Wavelet and Wavelet Packet Feature Spaces in MRSI Brain Tumor Characterization"
    Azadeh Yazdanshahmorad, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    2nd IEEE GCC Conference, 2004
  28. "Wavelet-Based Determination of Malignancy of Pathological Images of Prostate"
    R. Farjam, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    ICOSSIP 2004, 2004
  29. "Comparison of Three Gaussian Mixture Modeling and Spatial Encoding Methods for Segmenting Human Brain MRI"
    M. Zeydabadinezhad, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh
    ICOSSIP 2004, 2004
  30. "MRSI Brain Tumor Characterization Using Wavelet and Wavelet Packets Feature Spaces and Artificial Neural Networks"
    Azadeh Yazdanshahmorad, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2004
  31. "Multi-Resolution Automatic Segmentation of T1-Weighted Brain MR Images"
    M. Zeydabadinezhad, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh
    IEEE ISBI, 2004
  32. "New methods of summarizing capsule endoscopy videos"
    محدثه امیریان, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    The 3rd international conference of electrical engineering, computer, mechanics and new technology related to artificial intelligence, 2024
  33. "Segmentation of Teeth Panoramic Images by a Deep learining approach"
    Milad Mohammadi, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    The second conference on Computer Engineering, Electricity and Technology, 2024
  34. "A new method to evaluate the nasal base view based on color coding"
    Maryam Ashoori, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Mohmmad Sadeghi
    28th National Conference and 6th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering of Iran, 1400, 2021
  35. "Automatic semantic segmentation based on Segunet architecture of MR images of the lumbar spine"
    Mohammad Ansarifard, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    28th National Conference and 6th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering of Iran, 1400, 2021
  36. "A Rapid Technique for 3D Visulazation of Medical Images"
    ملیحه مولایی, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    Iranian Conference of Biomedical Engineering, 2019
  37. "Concurrent and Anatomical Knowledge Based Segmentation of Thigh Muscles using Level Sets in CT Images"
    Malihe Molaie, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    25th Iranian Conference of Biomedical Engineering, 2018
  38. "Thigh Muscle Segmentation in CT Images"
    Behrang Fazli besheli, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    25th Iranian Conference of Biomedical Engineering, 2018
  39. "A Novel Technique Based on Cloud Picture Archiving and Communication for Trauma Application"
    Ashkan Keshavarzi, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Ahmad Khonsari
    International Conference on Iran Information Technology, 2016
  40. "Segmentation of Mandibular Channel using Fuzzy Contentedness in CBCT images"
    Saeid Shakeri, Meisam Hasani, [] [], Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    22nd Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering(ICBME 2015), 2016
  41. "Vectorization of Line Segments Based on Path Segmentation for 2D Animation"
    Emad Khezri, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    1st International Conference of Information Technology, 2015
  42. "Cage Based data Simulation: Application in Statistical Shape Based Atlas"
    [] [], Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    Seventh National Iranian Conference of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2015
  43. "shape based 3D modeling of CT images based on spherical harmonics"
    Fatemeh Abdolali, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi
    19 Annual Conference of Computer Society of Iran, 2014
  44. "Design and Implementation of a Standard Radiology Information Management System Expandable to Other Clinical Information Systems"
    Mr. Sehati, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh
    11th Annual Conference of Iran Computer Society, 2006
  45. "Colonoscopy Image Processing"
    Shahrooz Faghih Roohi, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Sh Akhlaghpoor, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh
    International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology, 2005
  46. "New Method for Designing Object-Oriented Software Basis for Hospital Information Systems"
    Mr. Sehati, Reza Aghaizadeh Zoroofi, Hamid Soltanian Zadeh
    International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology, 2005