Shahryar Baygan


Update: 2025-02-20

Shahryar Baygan

College of Science / Faculty of Physics

Journal Paper

  1. "Halo EFT calculation of charge form factor for two-neutron 6He halo nucleus: two-body resonant P-wave interaction"
    مهدی معینی ارانی , soonya Jesri, Shahryar Baygan
    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, Vol. 57, No 39, 2021
  2. "Novel regularization scheme for nucleon-nucleon lattice simulations with effective field theory"
    Masoumeh Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza Hadizadeh, Mehdi Radin, Shahryar Baygan
    PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Vol. 102, No 4, 2020
  3. "Proton–proton fusion in new pionless EFT power counting"
    Behnaz Behzadmoghaddam, Shahryar Baygan, مهدی معینی ارانی
    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, Vol. 56, No 6, 2020
  4. "Comment on “Yakubovsky scheme to study the 4- and 5-nucleon systems in the case of alpha-state structure with spin-dependent nucleon–nucleon potentials” [Karbala International Journal of Modern Science 3 , 287 (2017)]"
    محمد رضا هادی زاده, Mehdi Radin, Shahryar Baygan
    Karbala International Journal of Modern Science, Vol. 4, No 2, pp.255-257, 2018
  5. "Comment on ``Solution of the Specific Model of Five-body Problem to Investigate the Effective Alpha--Nucleon Interaction in a Partial-wave Analysis''"
    Mohammad Reza Hadizadeh, Mehdi Radin, Shahryar Baygan
    ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B, Vol. 49, No 2, 2018
  6. "Parity-violating photon circular polarization in p+d→He3+γ with pion-less effective field theory"
    Hajar Nematollahi, Shahryar Baygan, Nasibeh Mahboubi, محمد معینی
    PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Vol. 97, No 1, pp.14001-1, 2018
  7. "Comment on “Three-dimensional study of the six-body bound-state for the case of effective three-body configuration model”"
    Mohammad Reza Hadizadeh, Mehdi Radin, Shahryar Baygan
  8. "n + n + α → 6He + γ reaction by effective field theory approach"
    Mahdi Moeini Arani, Mehdi Radin, Shahryar Baygan
  9. "p+d→He3+γ reaction with pionless effective field theory"
    Hajar Nematollahi, Shahryar Baygan, Nasibeh Mahboubi, مهدی معینی ارانی
    PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Vol. 94, No 5, pp.1-12, 2016
  10. "Longitudinal asymmetry and proton spin rotation in p⃗d scattering with pionless effective field theory"
    Nasibeh Mahboubi, Shahryar Baygan, Hajar Nematollahi, مهدی معینی ارانی
    PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Vol. 94, No 5, pp.9-1, 2016
  11. "New insight into the nd →3Hγ process at thermal energy with pionless effective field theory"
    Mehdi Moeini Arani, Hajar Nematollahi, Nasibeh Mahboubi, Shahryar Baygan
    PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Vol. 89, No 6, 2014
  12. "Photon Asymmetries in nd →3Hγ Using EFT(π/) Approach"
    Shahryar Baygan, Mehdi Moeini Arani
    FEW-BODY SYSTEMS, Vol. 55, No 5, 2014
  13. "3N bound state formalism based on 3N free basis states"
    Mohammad Harzchi, Shahryar Baygan
  14. "Parity-violating photon circular polarization in nd- 3H Gamma with effective field theory at thermal energy"
    Mahdi Moeini Arani, Shahryar Baygan
    The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, Vol. 117, No 49, pp.1-14, 2013
  15. "Triton photodisintegration in three - dimensional approach"
    Ma Shalchi , Shahryar Baygan
    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, Vol. 48, No 6, 2012
  16. "solutions of bound - state faddeev yakubovsky equations in three dimension by using nn and 3n potential model"
    Mohammadreza Hadizadeh , Lauro Tomio , Shahryar Baygan
    PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Vol. 83, pp.1-16, 2011
  17. "A spin - isospin - dependent 3N scattering formalism in a 3D Faddeev scheme"
    M Harzchi , Shahryar Baygan
    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, Vol. 46, No 2, pp.271-284, 2010
  18. "triton photodisintegration with effective field theory"
    Hossein Sadeghi , Shahryar Baygan
    FEW-BODY SYSTEMS, Vol. 47, No 3, 2010
  19. "A realistic formalism for low - momentum effective interaction in three - dimensional approach"
    Shahryar Baygan, Mohammad Harzchi , Mohammad Shalchi
    NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, Vol. 832, No 2, pp.1-17, 2010
  20. "towards a three dimensional solution for 3N bound states with 3NFs"
    Mohammad Reza Hadizadeh , Shahryar Baygan
    MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 24, pp.816-822, 2009
  21. "three dimensional calculations of NN bound and scattering states with a chiral potential up to N3LO"
    Shahryar Baygan, Mohammad Ahmadian Shalchi , Mohammad Reza Hadizadeh
    PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Vol. -, pp.1-9, 2009
  22. "low - momentum effective interaction in the three - dimensional approach"
    Shahryar Baygan, Mehdi Harazji , Mohammadreza Hadizade
    NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, Vol. 814, No 814, pp.21-32, 2008
  23. "Bound - state calculations of the three - dimensional Yakubovsky equations with the inclusion of three - body forces"
    M R Hadizadeh , Shahryar Baygan
    EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A, Vol. 36, No 2, pp.201-209, 2008
  24. "A Realistic Formalism for 4N Bound State in a Three - Dimensional Yakubovsky Scheme"
    Shahryar Baygan, Mohammad Reza Hadizadeh , Walter Gloeckle
  25. "A realistic three - dimensional calculation of the 3H binding energy"
    Shahryar Baygan, Mohammad Reza Hadizadeh , Mehdi Harzchi
    FEW-BODY SYSTEMS, Vol. 44, No 4, pp.65-67, 2007
  26. "Three nucleon bound state in a spin isospin dependent three dimensional approach"
    Shahryar Baygan, M R Hadizadeh , M Harzchi
    PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Vol. -, pp.1-24, 2007
  27. "Four-Body Bound State Calculations in Three-Dimensional Approach"
    Mohamad Reza Hadizadeh , Shahryar Baygan
    FEW-BODY SYSTEMS, Vol. 40, pp.191-171, 2007
  28. "Effective field theory calculation of nd radiative capture at thermal energies"
    H Sadeghi , Shahryar Baygan, Harald W Griesshammer
    Physics Letter B, Vol. 643, pp.267-263, 2006
  29. "q - deformation of interacting d - boson model for nuclei"
    Shahryar Baygan
    PHYSICAL REVIEW C, Vol. 50, No 4, pp.1876-1886, 1994
  30. "calculation of proton deteron scattering cross section in intermediate energy"
    مهدی هرزچی, Shahryar Baygan
    J physics research of iran, Vol. 14, No 1, 2014